Valuing a business can be a challenge, particularly when it is an SME with no obvious marketplace for its shares. There are also numerous methods for valuing a business, each of which will often result in huge fluctuations in value. You also need to remember there are different standard methods for many industry sectors and there may be previously agreed valuation methods contained within the company’s articles of association or shareholder agreements.
It is therefore vital that, when valuing your business, you engage a firm of experts such as 360 to ensure the correct method is used and a report is produced that will stand up to external scrutiny.
We have extensive experience of valuing businesses and have recently invested in software that produces extremely detailed valuations with the facility to produce what if scenarios e.g. – what will the impact on the company value be in 3 years if we:
a) Increase sales volume by 10%;
b) Reduce debtor days by 5%; or
c) Increase prices by 5%